Thursday, April 19, 2012

We're just Hellgate : London's users.

At the beginning of December, there was an unexpected oil spill accident at South Korea, Tae-an.

It was a very serious accident that the direct amount of damage was close to 100 billion won, and money derived for a long time period

can't be imagined.

Just because they are living in the same country, lots of people extended the helping hands to Tae-an.

Eventhough there was no relation between the accident and the people who helped, for tenants living there and for the country.

they went there and voluteered to service.

On 12/21, us, the Korean user of 'Hellgate : London' also headed to there and were together until 22nd.

We are the Korean Hellgate users.

Though our purpose was to clean the black tear(leaking oil), 'Hellgate : London' joined us together.

Hellgate : London's intention is to save London, but right at that time, we thought that we should save our contry.

We made inquiries for users who were congenial with us, and from the various parts, there were lots of participation and afford.

Individuals are weak, but all together, we are stronger than any others.

By the power dispersed at this moment, we are going to save the human beings in 'Hellgate : London'.

For the Living!

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