Also note that 'Black Dye Kit' that Moloch dropped for me the other day, +9 all attributes is pretty nice but not as good as the claimed +13 that one guy says his kit has, he wouldn't put it in the trade window for me to see so no screen shot and no eyes on.
Anyhow enjoy.
The Black Knight Dye Kit
Wearing the Black Knight Dye Kit
My Current Helm (I call it the 'duck' helm)
My Future Helm (only 2 and an 1/8 levels to go)
You'll also see in that last one an injector called a 'perk shot' no clue what it does because the only description is 'This could be useful...' no hints beyond that.|||Isn't that a quest item on the way to Liverpool Station? :/|||Yeah, perkshot is a quest item. I always thought the 'spiked guard' helm looked retarded but that tower helm does look interesting. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone wearing one ingame yet.
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