I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any Character Editors out for Single Player yet...? I would kinda like to test out my builds for MP before I actually get too far, and I would need those to do that :P So, does anyone know where to get one or (about) when one will come out?|||Quote:
Hey All!
I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any Character Editors out for Single Player yet...? I would kinda like to test out my builds for MP before I actually get too far, and I would need those to do that :P So, does anyone know where to get one or (about) when one will come out?
Character Editors for it no. But it's not that difficult to edit the memory in single player so that you have the stats and levels to simulate a higher level character for testing builds in advance until you find one you like.|||Isn't that considering hacking the code and illigal, so a no-no on these boards?|||There are level 50 character save files out there with no skill/stat points used.|||Quote:
Isn't that considering hacking the code and illigal, so a no-no on these boards?
It's not illegal.
It is cheating though and given the, uh, "firm" stance IncGamers usually takes on such things, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not allowed to be discussed.
Disappointed, but not surprised.|||Quote:
It's not illegal.
It is cheating though and given the, uh, "firm" stance IncGamers usually takes on such things, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not allowed to be discussed.
Disappointed, but not surprised.
They allow the use of Atma's on their D2 boards, so I figured that discussion of this would be along those same lines. And I have seen many threads in the D2 SP forum about character editors, so I figured that would be OK. And I don't see it as cheating if you dont actually use the character after you test the build... For me, it is more like research.|||There's a difference between the accepted use of ATMA at the D2 SP board and a character editor. ATMA is not a character editor, although it can probably be used that way with sufficient knowledge.
Talk of editors and hacked characters is OK as long as we don't get into the "how to's" and "where's" of it. That has been the accepted norm at the D2 board here at Incgamers and I would assume that this would apply here as well.|||By "how to's" and "wheres" I'm assuming you mean that we dont get into the links and stuff like that, Dacar? Sorry if I caused trouble : / I just figured that it would be OK to ask if anyone knew about it...|||Quote:
There's a difference between the accepted use of ATMA at the D2 SP board and a character editor. ATMA is not a character editor, although it can probably be used that way with sufficient knowledge.
Talk of editors and hacked characters is OK as long as we don't get into the "how to's" and "where's" of it. That has been the accepted norm at the D2 board here at Incgamers and I would assume that this would apply here as well.
Hence why I only said it's easy and possible not how to do it.|||It's a touchy subject that tends to lure the banstick, so there isn't much reason to discuss them on here, excepting how to recognize when another player is making use of said exploits. This usually would have trade ramifications, but I'm not yet aware of anything dishonest going on in the MP environment. It also appears that there is no chance for 'SP' players to trade, so there isn't going to be an environment similar to the dii.net SPF trade situation.
The guideline on the other forum is that you can do what you want on your computer, just don't ask here, and don't expect to trade if you do exploit. Of course if you MP, you also have to follow the terms of service that FSS had you agree to...
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