When you complete a mini game, don't pick up the items yet! (Unless it is unique that you don't want to lose it due to lag) You can wait till the counter for new mini game reset and then pick the items up. Cause once when I finished a mini game and I was busy picking other stuff up. When I start to loot the items from the mini game I have completed two requirements for next mini game already
Nothing too special, but hope this helps.|||Having an with mods to make it deal every damage type in one of your weapon switches is good in regards to the mini game.
~Captain Obvious
Having an with mods to make it deal every damage type in one of your weapon switches is good in regards to the mini game.
~Captain Obvious
I have a question here, how can it be achieved though? For instance, I have a sniper rifle that deals 100 spectral damage only, will inserting tech with "Adds 7% poison damage" deal 7 extra poison damage that way?|||Yes.
If a weapon has enough mod slots, add % <element> damage is sufficient for the minigame.|||What is the base chance of causing that 7% poison damage though? Will it happen every time? I ask as a sniper rifle could be a bad choice for chance-based damage, as it only fires every couple of seconds, whilst some guns can fire 600 times a minute. That's a lot of chances!
Of course, this point is moot if the damage is caused all the time.
What is the base chance of causing that 7% poison damage though? Will it happen every time? I ask as a sniper rifle could be a bad choice for chance-based damage, as it only fires every couple of seconds, whilst some guns can fire 600 times a minute. That's a lot of chances!
Of course, this point is moot if the damage is caused all the time.
They are indeed talking about the mods that add extra damage to each hit.
Although the damage procs are very nice in their own way, with the AoE carnage they add
What is the base chance of causing that 7% poison damage though? Will it happen every time? I ask as a sniper rifle could be a bad choice for chance-based damage, as it only fires every couple of seconds, whilst some guns can fire 600 times a minute. That's a lot of chances!
Of course, this point is moot if the damage is caused all the time.
The 7% poison damage applies to every chance, however you won't be able to actually cause the poison status effect unless you additionally mod the weapon with a poison attack strength mod (or the weapon already has that mod).|||I've just got a rocket launcher on switch that deals every type of damage except spectral. Works wonders for the minigame.
It is definately a good idea to wait. I finished a minigame last night and gobbled up the three mods it spit out. Then the icons reset and I need 3 mods! It takes forever for mobs to drop mods...|||If you have it on your armour (or should I say 'armor'):
Thorns damage counts!
It would appear that this is because the damage needs only to be done to the enemy before it is killed - not be the type of damage that kills it.
I hope that makes sense!|||Explosive destructible items count too (for fire damage).
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