1. Before you enter Covent Garden Market (CGM), press "P" to turn auto party on. (An icon will show up if it is active.)
2. Enter CGM.
3. Locate Rift and kill Shulgoth.
4. Press "`" button to bring up console, and type /leave
5. You will then instantly teleport back to Covent Garden Station.
6. Rinse and repeat.
This process skips the log in process, which might take sometime there. If this is old news then delete if required. If not then hope it is useful for people who want to get 500 AP
What this command /leave exactly do? When it only port you back to CGS where is the difference between for example Recall Portal? Or somehow this /leave respawns mobs and Shulgoth...I am a little confused?
I have tried that command in other places too, and it still works. But I have a feeling that people might abuse it when they are in danger though =X|||The most important function here being ofcourse not the instant teleport, but the resetting of CGM
But I suppose it can also be used when you are run out of PRD too
Well, this obviously is a bug. I'm thinking this will be fixed at one point.
Will we get rewarded if we report the bug?
I think I've already thought of a way to get it to work anyways, though, imma check it out.
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