Never saw concrete evidence that it would be one way or the other, though I have seen people say it is subscriber only, since on the test server it is only available from an NPC in Stonehenge.
Not ranting or anything, just curious and bored since I've run out of things to read on both forums.
I'll admit I'm not a subscriber, but you can talk to my wife about that
We will see...|||In the screenshots I've seen, items that are confirmed as subscriber content show the text "Subscriber Only" on their descriptions.
The screenshots of the respec items, however, don't have that text.
That's nothing conclusive because it could be a bug, but at least it's cause for non-subs to keep hoping.
(if indeed that's the case)
I think a lot of people would be pissed if only subs are allowed to respec|||Piss on them. You pay for the ability to fix your screwups. I think it's completely fair that subs get additional content. They're paying for it. Non-subs like myself aren't and to assume that we deserve anything extra is an entitlement mentality. Nothing but gimme gimme gimme. To hell with that. You want more, pay for it. Otherwise shut the pie hole and play the game you bought.|||um yeah... too bad respecs aren't "content". This is a basic game mechanic... How would you like it if they made you wait 3 minutes every time you die to respawn, if you don't subscribe. This is like that.
If they made that stonehenge thing subs only and made some subs only gear that's better than non-sub gear, sure... But respecs are totally different.|||I disagree, respecing wasn't promised to us from the beginning. Assuming that it was going to be there was foolish at best. So many of us have played D2 that it should have been obvious what you needed to do in the first place.
Now if they changed the respawn to 3 minutes unless you went sub they'd get themselves a class action lawsuit. They're smart enough to know not to do that.|||I happy for the subscribers, they're finally getting something for their money.
For non-subscribers, forcing them to live with the consequences of their actions, while harsh, in understandable IMO.
The potential problem I see is this: It's entirely conceivable that Flagship might tweak or rebalance certain skills in upcoming patches. They could therefore theoretically break several character builds if the skills are radically changed. People who use these builds could find their characters invalidated through no fault of their own. I could imagine an exchange going something like this:
[A Player] Flagship's skill tweaks broke my build! They should let me respec!
[Flagship] Buy a subscription and you'll be able to respec.
[A Player] But the skill tweaks weren't my fault! You shouldn't make me pay money to fix the build problems they caused.
[Flagship] Too bad for you. Live with it, or buy a subscription.
That's absolutely a hypothetical situation, by the way! I'm not trying to paint Flagship as villains. But being my slightly pessimistic self, and remembering that Flagship Studios is indeed a business that's trying to make money, I'm just concerned that something like this might happen.|||Considering the synergy patch was free for D2 and drastically changed/improved the game.. gimme gimme gimme.|||From what I've read the actual respec mechanic is a token in your inventory? I haven't read much, could be wrong. (I haven't played in weeks to be honest.)
In any event, if the skills are massively changed I wouldn't be surprised if everyone gets a freebie whereas subscribers can do as many as they want, so long as they pay whatever in-game price is involved (money/quest/xp/etc).
I wouldn't be surprised to see respec get added to the base game (ie; for freeloaders) later on down the track. But the subscription service needs all the bonuses over the freeloaders it can get right now.
And really, if it's subscriber only, save your pennies and buy one month's worth of subscription at some point, get your respec, then cancel it again?
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