Went to the register and payed. To my surprise the cashier said it was 25 euro. Me, being totally honest, kept it to myself and payed the 25 and went out
So let this be a lesson to you people, i am not a very honest guy when it comes to my money
Cya online people
In the UK, it is still lingering in the lower reaches of the charts, despite being out for months, so the prices are still quite high, as it is still selling.
Had some trouble with the patching but after installing patch 1.1 and then 1.2 again it worked.
Seems stable enough, some lag issues but i think that is mostly my PC. Really enjoyable action. Made a Blademaster and i must say he rules :P
The extreme amount of loot that drops is a bit too much, because of limited inventory space, so i only pick up stuff i can use or is green/blue for selling.
There seems to be more tactics involved than in D2, which i like, but attacking and backing off seems to work fine when timed right.
Also the people i have met so far are really nice and helpful, even with really basic stuff. Couldn't figure out the loot system...
And i finally got a helm!|||Pick up the junk as well and scrap it(wrench icon) you often need scrap for upgrading and crafting.|||Yip, just figured that one out :P
Running around with two legendary swords now but i can't upgrade because i seem to be too low level.
Finished piccadilly just now ( lvl 9 ), figured i might as well keep an eye open for rares that can be upgraded.
Man i love being new to a game and enjoy figuring stuff out.
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