A Normal char can send items to another Normal/Normal Nightmare char, but not to an Elite or HC char.
An Elite char can send items to another Elite char, but cannot send items to a Normal/Normal Nightmare or HC char.
I'm assuming the same holds true for HC chars.
This is what happened when a Normal Nightmare char tried to send an item to an Elite char:
- Error message stating this cannot be done.
- When trying to put the attached item back into inventory, the item disappeared.
- Got kicked out of the game, with a Network Error popping up.
- Upon logging back in, the item was back in the inventory. Whew!
Other than the restrictions, the new Email system works great!|||I didn't get any warnings at all, rather.
I didn't crash out either, which is nice, at least.
I merely lost an awesome pair of marksman boots that I probably never would have used much anyways. (I got the names of my Elite evoker and Norm engineer mixed up)|||Its good to hear its working well. I won't be able to try it out till at least Wednesday. Those restrictions should be there. It would take so much away from HC if they were not in place. Although it would be nice if it was foolproof, and it would simply give you an error message and return the message and item to its sender.|||Quote:
Although it would be nice if it was foolproof, and it would simply give you an error message and return the message and item to its sender.
"Nice"? It would be nice for it not to be bugged?
It doesn't sound like it's "working well" at all. It sounds like it's another rushed release from Flagship.
"Nice"? It would be nice for it not to be bugged?
It doesn't sound like it's "working well" at all. It sounds like it's another rushed release from Flagship.
It works properly, it just doesn't cover all the cases. Not so much bugs as flaws, in my mind.
That's like saying they didn't release it too early, they just didn't spend enough time on it. :P|||Quote:
It's not a bug it's a flaw?
That's like saying they didn't release it too early, they just didn't spend enough time on it. :P
I think of bugs as things that are not working the way it was intended to work. I think of a flaw as a thing that wasn't even addressed.
Mmmm semantics.|||For those who may miss the Patch 1.2 Notes, here are a few excerpts pertaining to the new mail system:
"Characters can now send and receive mail from any other character, including characters within the same account. Mail consists of text messages, and one item of any size and any amount of Palladium can be attached for delivery."
"While you can send mail to character in a different mode (Hardcore, Elite, and Hardcore Elite) you cannot attach items or Palladium in a cross-mode email. This follows the same rules as trading items."
"You can�t mail quest items or non-tradable items (such as Dye Kits or a Skill Retrainer)."
"These dye kits [dropped by Moloch in Stonehenge] are tradable between subscribers." Subs can apparently trade the Moloch dye kits, but can't mail them.
Anyway, the new mail system is great for mailing items amongst same-mode chars in your account, or to any other same-mode chars, whether they're guild members or not. It also allows mailing (without an item attachment) to any char, regardless of mode.|||My only wish is that you could mail multiple items at a time. Seems silly that I can mail as much as I want between chars, but I'm forced to create a new mail item for each one.
But hey....I'm just happy it's finally in there at all. (as it should have been from the beginning
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