The fact that if you die you have to start again from a station really gives you the incentive to stay alive. I'm not looking forward to the Necropolis! It's the perfect practice ground for where I ultimately want to get to which is hardcore. I'll admit it, I'm hooked.
I've already adapted my play style to take things more slowly. More monsters and more elite baddies really makes this fun.
The blademaster is a curious build. I'm getting my head around the skills. At the moment power is a problem so I'm running AoP. At level 11 he's looking like this...
Already I'm assigning hotkeys all over the place and I'm looking at the surges. SoR seems to have merit as I'm always chugging on health pots. I think I've wasted a point in Heavens Arc. Looking at the builds there appears to be no right or wrong way to play a blademaster. I'm going to find out for myself what does what. My play style is charge in, smack them about a bit, realise I've bitten off more than I can chew and then run for the hills.
This is what's taken my fancy. Throw in a sword typhoon, charge in, sweeping strike the packs of baddies and then smacking the individuals with reckoning and authority.
Whether or not this works is beside the point. I will succeed! Kill them all!
My play style is charge in, smack them about a bit, realise I've bitten off more than I can chew and then run for the hills.
LOL, mine too. I find that at the beginning it is easier to get killed than it was at the beginning of D2. This kind of game play has to change if you want to make it to HC. I never player HC much because I couldn't keep myself from doing this. It is too disappointing to die after investing so much time in a character.|||I must say that progress is going well. Level 18 now. The big gundown was a real pain but I came through it. Those flying critters are well tricky and was relying on call of the chosen to tempt the critters down when they zapped me off the gun.
Whilst in Admiralty Arch I came across the most curious thing....
In 4+ months of playing this I've never seen anything like it. The drops were quite poor although it did fill my inventory up
Progress is going well and I'm looking like this at the mo...|||Quote:
I never player HC much because I couldn't keep myself from doing this. It is too disappointing to die after investing so much time in a character.
Yet, so much more rewarding when you don't die. I just started this game about a week and a half ago, so I'm not sure if I'm going to play HC. But in D2, I got bored and went exclusively to HC, and it was a brand new game, much more fun.
I'm still waiting to be able to make my first elite character, definitely going for BM as well.|||Gah, too late to edit.
As I said, I've only been playing for about a week and a half, and I saw a bunch of chests like you have there. Horrendous drops, I think maybe one enchanted item and the rest was money or whites.|||A quick hint for elite mode, when in a high-risk area where you think you're likely to die; pop a PRD ahead of time so you don't have to walk all the way back.|||Cheers for the tip! I did catch on to this after a while. But for anyone new to Elite mode like me it's useful.
Level 22 now and progress is slowing down a bit. Elite mode also cuts down the amount of palladium that drops too. Upgrades and nano shards are becoming precious! This is just the sort of challenge I am after.
He's looking like this now...
I'm on europe and my blademaster is called Buster_Friendly. Say hello if you see me!|||The Tower of London I thought was going to be a real struggle. But I was very surprised at what happened. The fellbores spawned and I charged in and then performed a sweeping strike which took them all out. I then used SoR and before he grew again the demon was down to about 5% of life.
Maybe I got lucky, although the drops were pants! Anyway onwards....
I do love Elite mode.
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