1. You can identify Quest Rewards BEFORE choosing them (especially mods to find out the better one to choose)
2. You can put skill levels into Sprint skill (as a BM, this is pretty darn useless)
4. Shulgoth farming is addictive
Hopefully this very embarassing post has helped some of you who did not know.|||You only just found recall? :D
I didn't know that you could pause at least the starting cinematic with the spacebar. Found out today while I was hitting space to skip through the six hundred company logos that you have to go through.|||I played the alpha for a couple of weeks before realizing there was a recall spell. I kept buying and using the PRDs, since that was the only way to do it in pre-alpha builds i played. Worst part was that in alpha/beta, recall was instantaneous. You clicked it and you were gone without any casting animation time, so it was even more convenient than now.|||ok who is shulgoth and why would you farm him ?|||Shulgoth is the first/second scary boss in the game. (Tantorus can be troublesome for some classes and in Elite mode.)
You'd farm him because he can drop decent gear, usually a couple of greens at least per run.|||There's also an achievement you get for killing him 100 times. I couldn't be bothered in normal, but in nightmare, the extra exp helps, and who knows, maybe I'll get some extra AP after all, hehe.
I didn't know you could identify quest rewards before choosing one; that's good to know! :D|||I like Shulgoth, he's been good for rares. I need as much rare tech as I can get my gubby hands on.|||Thought of one to add to the list:
You can use a skill in the skill tree window by holding shift and right clicking it.
Took me a while to notice, but it sure is nice not having to waste a spot on recall, now. ^^|||Quote:
You can use a skill in the skill tree window by holding shift and right clicking it.
Took me a while to notice, but it sure is nice not having to waste a spot on recall, now. ^^
Good one. I already did that. My evoker has already used up all the slots from the action bar and the left and right mouse click globe. I wish they allow you to hot key skills without needing to put it on the action bar.|||how do i get this recall spell ? can i get it as a Marksman ?
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