Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hellgate Does the Funniest Things...

I don't know if it's my computer of it it's Hellgate, but levels take forever to load. All of them. However, the worst one of all is Covent Garden Market. You know, the place with Shulgoth. That places literally takes 10 minutes sometimes. So, whenever I run Shulgoth (at the end of each playing session) I walk through the portal, then go and watch some TV or make a sandwich or something.

Well, tonight, I put on my magic find armor and walked through like usual. Conan had John C Reilly on, so I watched that interview, and then came back 15 minutes later.

I was amazed by what awaited me.

Let me preface what comes next by saying that I have only found one unique, and I've been playing since the very beginning of the beta. The unique I found was also quite useless, so I was pretty dissapointed when I saw what it was.

Well, waiting for me on the screen was something that made my jaw drop. A regular pair of leggings of some sort, and a UNIQUE Power Shield!

I was stunned by this, since it seems that the monster that dropped it had beaten on my shields until it died. The unique didn't drop from the dozens of times I've killed Shulgoth, or the tens of thousands of monsters I've terminated while looking for phat loot, but from the one time I was not looking for anything!

I'm starting to think Hellgate has a sense of humor.... And I like it! |||I got my first unique (that my engineer could use) last night too. I did wonder how many monsters I'd killed to get it, also Shulgoth run (first time on NME).

After all those runs, I finally see how Shulgoth farming can be additive. I'll always trying to re-live that first hit! :D|||The loading issue has been acknowledged by Cellwind(optimizer guy). When he'll be able to get to it however, is an unsure thing. His main duty has been pulled over to Mythos for an undetermined amount of time.|||i got a unique for an engineer or a marksman as well... really good rifle but turns out its was for subc players only..|||Quote:

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I don't know if it's my computer of it it's Hellgate, but levels take forever to load. All of them.

Not sure of you already tried that, but reducing the texture quality helped greatly with the loading times for me.|||I finally found something my blademaster can use this past Thursday. So far I like it, I put a add spectral dmg rare relic and an add poison legendary relic in it so I have the 4 major damage types covered. oh and I got it from one of those little guys that transform in Bell Yard, where the little guy was hiding this I have know idea.

|||I found myself in a Elite passageway inside a treasure passageway - inside another treasure passageway earlier today.. beat that >|||These are the only two uniques I've seen so far. I had similar weapons in the Beta as well, they seem to be easily obtainable and dropped right away in the beginning levels. I've upgraded them both several times. I'm Single Player by the way.

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