Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Single-player Stonehenge patch?


does anyone know if there is/will be a single-player version of the Stonehenge Chronicles patch? because many changes are for online playing and subscribers, but many others are fixes that everyone should have.

Thanks! |||I'd expect the fixes and maybe the balance changes will filter out in a singleplayer patch at some point. But the actual Stonehenge content? I wouldn't count on that coming out any time soon for singleplayer. |||I wasn't counting on it neither, but I hope at least they make a single-player patch for everything else.|||Oh, come on, LuTHieR! Join us online!


I would really love to, jezcentral, but right now I have no Internet connection at home and I don't think it would be wise to play from the office ;)|||Oops. I see your point....


[Bill Roper] The plan for the next patch is to get single player up to the same basic equivalency as the Stonehenge patch (1.0). We don�t have a timeline, but we want to make these happen as close to the multiplayer releases as we can.

We also have this little hint from OldBrownShoe, a Flagship Studios QA person:


Not sure when the next SP patch will be, but it should be faster than the first one.|||Thanks Amarra

Hope the patch comes soon...||| does that mean Stonehenge content or just the balancing stuff?|||I'm almost dissapointed the patch is out, my home computer won't load the retail version (system specs are too low) so I've been playing on the patched beta install. Well Stonehenge requires the retail install so I'm done playing until I can finish the new computer build. I can still play at lunch here at work though if I bring my CD in and do a retail install here.

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