Question: Is Nightmare mode applicable to both SP and MP?
Question: I'm assuming that once a player selects a char for Elite mode, then there's no turning back to Normal mode, correct?
These sound like noob concerns, so thanks for bearing with me.|||Quote:
Question: Once a char enters the Nightmare mode, can the player then switch that char back to Normal mode? And then back to Nightmare mode, and so forth?
Yes, a player is able to alternate between Normal and Nightmare mode for a particular character, once Normal mode has been completed. This choice is given to the player - via a Nightmare mode button - at the character select screen after logging in.
The cool thing is that even in Nightmare mode, you still play amongst the Normal mode players at the various stations.
although i dont think their listed party's appear when you open the party window.
I dont know the answer to the other questions you had...sorry.|||Quote:
Question: I'm assuming that once a player selects a char for Elite mode, then there's no turning back to Normal mode, correct?
There are normal, and elite game types and chars created on one cannot be moved to the other.
There is also normal and nightmare difficulty modes for each of the game types, you can move back and forth on the difficulties modes with your char.|||Quote:
There are normal, and elite game types and chars created on one cannot be moved to the other.
There is also normal and nightmare difficulty modes for each of the game types, you can move back and forth on the difficulties modes with your char.
Wait, what? So did I screw up when I created my first toon on multiplayer? It seemed to me Elite was only available once you'd beaten the game in Normal mode, did I read that wrong?
Cos the first guy I've created and that I am playing right now is not Elite, but I thought I could move him up to Elite once I beat the game... you're telling me he will never be able to be Elite? :\|||Quote:
Wait, what? So did I screw up when I created my first toon on multiplayer? It seemed to me Elite was only available once you'd beaten the game in Normal mode, did I read that wrong?
You have to beat normal mode first then you can create a new char on the elite mode, or you can continue with your normal mode char on nightmare difficulty setting. You cannot transfer your old normal mode char onto elite mode.
I think its stupid that they force you to play through normal mode before you can create an elite mode but they do for some inane reason. Normal mode is stupidly easy and elite mode is just normal difficulty and much more enjoyable imo.
Also I see why your confused as there is the normal difficulty setting and the normal game mode. If they called normal game mode something different there would probably be a lot less confusion.|||There's quite a bit of confusing terminology regarding normal/elite/nightmare, even more so because subscriptions were referred to as "Elite subscriptions" in the early days, making some people think elite is a synonym for subscriber.
Here's a handy diagram that might clear things up:
Actually, I had one of my questions answered yesterday, when one of our guild members, who beat the game in Normal, and then selected Normal Nightmare, was able to switch back to Normal so we could interact.
Amarra, your super chart is easy to follow. It's a great tool for everyone with the same concerns. Thanx for contributing to this post.|||Quote:
You have to beat normal mode first then you can create a new char on the elite mode, or you can continue with your normal mode char on nightmare difficulty setting. You cannot transfer your old normal mode char onto elite mode.
This is silly. My first toon is usually the one I invest a lot in, time, sweat, tears, and all, and it sucks he will never be able to be Elite
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