At least that's what happened to me.|||sorry no, didn't mean to give that impression, I just finally got to use it today (found it about 2 weeks ago in Stone Henge) I have another armor I'll put a screen shot up of tomorrow (also Unique) that I'm now no longer using.|||Oh by the way, I am not trying to offend you. It is the fact that it spawns quite much that it starts to frustrate me =X
It isn't a bad armor at all for starters.|||not sure if this changed in final, but in alpha, you were better off with 2 star armor with good mods. the 3/5 star armors had massive requirements that totally negated every bonus the armor itself was giving|||I have that. I'm running around with unique/legendary armour and a Normal belt, because nothing else will fit my attributes.
I guess I have to find a belt with a +attributes that negates its requirements.
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