my toons (Shulgoth server):
BigD (Blademaster lvl 10 )
Ryzer (Summoner lvl 5 )
I usually play in the evening / late night, except for my days off - (mountain time USA) Hit me up in game and Ill add you to my friends list.
PS: Can we maybe get a Hardcore forum? Could move this topic there.|||HCE all the way! I'm on some weeknights, mostly weekends (except I'm moving this weekend) Look me up anytime for party play or to help transfer.
Name: Delylah
Lvl 9 Summoner|||I made my first HCE the other night. She didn't last too long, lol. Ran around a tight corner to catch up with my Carnagor, and suddenly found myself trapped, surrounded and in serious trouble.
I don't think I will play HCE exclusively, as I still like SC for just messing around and being reckless, but I've certainly not given up on it. When I decide on what my next HCE char will be, I'll keep an eye out for you guys. ^^ I'm happy to help with transfering or such, as well.|||HcElite @ Sydonai
atm lvl1 BM I just RIP to often ^^|||I'm curious to know, does hardcore mode characters get its own set of chat/trade/lfg/etc channels, or do they get shared with non-HC characters?|||Quote:
I'm curious to know, does hardcore mode characters get its own set of chat/trade/lfg/etc channels, or do they get shared with non-HC characters?
OP reply: HCE is very fun, but like tenera I don't think I will be playing it exclusively since scn still is fun for testing builds, messing around, spamming death etc :p
hce bm lvl11: SuicidalFlea :p
EDIT: I'm on Sydonai btw
I had just finished Act 1, and got kitted up to make my way to charring cross. Things are going well, and my brand new plagueblaster is shaping up nicely. About halfway through the zone I run into 2 legendary mobs, and a unique (the guy you have to use the sedative on). Along with a handful of normal mobs. By the time I killed off most of the normal mobs, my Carnagor had died, and i was on the run. Sadly, it bugged out, and he wouldn't re-summon. While running away I attacked the special mobs, using my fire elemental to slow them down a bit.
A few minutes, all my flame retardants, and a half a stack of health injectors later, I finally took them out. I was sitting at dangerously low health, my health injector was on cooldown, so I hit Afterlife. Mid cast, a ravager pops out of nowhere and smacks me in the face. A normal ravager. I died, of course. After all that, a ravager of all things gets me, lol; and mid heal no less *faceplants*. hehe|||Linux
HCE Engineer lvl 21 on Sydonai/eu|||I added you Delylah to my friends list, my BM got to 17 and then was wtfpwned, cry. oh well hes back to lvl 9 already
HCE summoner lvl 17 on sydonai/eu
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