I'd suggest where the monsters are close to your clvl. As for item drops: That silly act boss at the end of Act 4 seems to have its fans.|||Stonehenge farming the four bosses - Ash, Errgoth, Oriax and The Nicor.
Got like 5 uniques in there last night. Tons of legendary items too cause of the huge number of rare/legendary and boss monsters. There is no other place in game IMHO where you can find that many good items.|||Damn elitist subscribers... ;)|||XP farming changes as you level up, apparently. If you go through levels that are beneath you, the experience you get from each kill is reduced. The same is apparently true of being in a level that is full of really powerful creatures, and this is to stop you being a low-level character riding on the coat-tails of a high-level party. Just keeping going through the latest level you have unlocked. For treasure, there are several bosses to farm. Shulgoth in Covent Garden Market is the most popular one. Angel Passage (the Temple end) has recently become popular since the last patch.|||I'll go get me some more Shulgoths tonight. That'll be interesting, and hopefully it will yield plenty of valuables. How can I quickly respawn Shulogth? Do i need to connect/disconnect?|||I think that /leave thing still works, if not someone please correct me.
You must make a party with yourself then go to Shuli and kill him. After killing him you must type /leave in console and you will be ported back to CGS while CGM will be reset. After that you need to remake your party once again and again...
No need of logging out.|||Quote:
I think that /leave thing still works, if not someone please correct me.
You must make a party with yourself then go to Shuli and kill him. After killing him you must type /leave in console and you will be ported back to CGS while CGM will be reset. After that you need to remake your party once again and again...
No need of logging out.
Thanks for that nugget, it's a useful tip. I've been quitting and coming back in again which as you know takes some time.|||Another reason is the "Kill Shulgoth 100 times" achievement (for 500 points). That's what I'm doing now. My lvl 47 engineer just breaks up all the items he drops, even rare and legendary, for nanoshards.|||Quote:
You must make a party with yourself...After that you need to remake your party once again and again...No need of logging out.
For everyone's benefit, would you elaborate on how to "make a party with yourself." This is a really good tip, but some players may not know what to do exactly.
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