"Fixed a bug where Founders saw all character names in blue text."
OK, I'm a Founder, and the blue text for char names is all I've seen. What have I been missing?
Are there different char name colors, and if so, what do they stand for?|||I think they are meant to symbolize non-payers and people playing different game modes.
Just not sure what colours they are :P|||The color of the player names are to indicate the mode they're playing. For example, I believe orange is for elite.|||Quote:
I believe orange is for elite.
I am a founder so all I see are blue names, but I think you are right on the elite being orange. I also think yellow is for hardcore. At least yellow was for hardcore in the bate IIRC.|||i think they fixed it in the last patch. I suddenly see Orange and Yellow names. That, or they kicked me out of the Founders.|||Quote:
i think they fixed it in the last patch. I suddenly see Orange and Yellow names. That, or they kicked me out of the Founders.
Huh. Lucky you I guess, because it isn't working for me.|||I take it the murky green is for us normal-non-sub types? :D
The color of the player names are to indicate the mode they're playing. For example, I believe orange is for elite.
That's what I've read in all the forum posts I've come across so far, but here's the deal...
I've created an Elite char. All people in both my party and my guild still see me as having a blue name.
Friends of mine have now created Elite chars. I see them as having blue names.
It seems that the whole 'yellow is for hardcore, orage is elite' or visa-versa isn't correct? Or has something else gone horribly wrong?
Yellow = HC players
Green = Guild players (if you are in a guild)
Blue =party players
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