- Mailing between characters
- Auction/Consignment House
- Shared Stash
- New PvP Features
- Abyss Chronicles Sub Features
This poll will be available on the main page as well as the forums, and you can see our other polls in the archive.|||i voted for pvp features coz thats what im playing for!!
also a shared stash, since u cant farm for more than 2 hours without needing a help of someone u can rly trust to mule ur items
i think all this should be for every player..leave the mail system for subscribers..i dont care :D i can mail ppl on the internet or talk on msn, but i cant pvp or use a shared stash if this features are for subs only|||Well, mailing is such a basic thing though, and I feel it's really vital. I haven't voted yet, but I guess it will be that in the end
Mail is for items between characters as well. So freeloaders can still swap gear amongst characters or send gear to a "mule", it just won't be as convenient as the subscribers shared stash.
... and I'm looking forward to mailing items between characters, since that's supposed to be coming first. I want to send bits and pieces from my higher level characters that would be cool for some of my alts. And to clear up some of my character's stashes. :D|||I highly resent the term "freeloader" when I payed for my game, which I did.
But with the mailing system, I don't care about a free stash. Extensive muling is not my plan anyway
Just my 666 cents
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