Let me preface this by saying I was on an incredible hotstreak, and I was gleeful to see a unique drop. Until I looked at it:
I was not aware that the Cleanser could drop. Is this a glitch, or just the worst unique ever?|||I have no idea if it is a glitch or not, but when you right click on it, do the dismantle icon available?|||No, it's not a glitch. The Cleanser can drop like any other unique.
What's interesting me now is if you can trade that one. The quest reward one is not tradeable. There's been a lot of whining on the chat since 1.1 because people got rid of their cleanser, but want to farm Occy now.|||Oh, then I guess I shoulda kept it...
Moar, no white wine for you!|||My brother had that drop as well. It was better then the standard clenser you are given so he kept it. Still only works in that one instance though.
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