There are no other processes on my machine running that would cause this behaviour and other online games do not appear to be affected.
Is anyone else experiencing the same?
The reason this has got my back up is that I lost a Level 17 hardcore elite summoner when attempting to down the exospector
Thank goodness for the shared stash as I make sure my characters only have in their personal stash items I am happy to lose with regular money payments emailed to the mule.
I've had a couple of near misses too with lag. I'm going to suspend my hardcore play for a bit to see if this a temporary issue.
How's it been for everyone else on Europe?|||I was having some bad lag recently... but it corresponds with my using the internet at home instead of the dorms (the latter is a superior connection, I believe). I had even worse lag earlier this week when I was using a wireless connection.
My symptoms have been where monsters freeze and skills do nothing. Also I've had where I can move around, but I can't even use my skills (i.e. the keys do nothing). Jumping works sometimes, I think.... I forget.
I need to use the /ping command, though.
I'm in the US, though.|||The lag is still there for me and worringly is that nobody else has posted to say they are experiencing the same! Other online games are fine. It's not as bad as it was but there's a few instances where monsters have suddenly changed position and health bars not dropping when they should be.
I have applied a firmware update to my router but I doubt very much that it would make a difference as it fixes some DNS relay issues but it's worth a shot.
As a side issue I've also installed XP SP3 and whilst it does not make any difference to games performance on my PC , it does boot up a lot faster which is always a good thing.
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