Saturday, April 14, 2012

Invincible Moloch!!! (well, almost)

[:1]Ok, so me and some buddies all decided we were gonna go kill Moloch in normal, since we were all at stonehenge in nightmare with our chars...

Thought it'd be fun for a larf and that.

Boy were we wrong!

We had:

1) lvl50 Guardian

1) lvl48 Marksman

1) lvl40 Guardian

1) lvl31 Engineer (awwww, bless 'im)

We were in Master's Court for over 45 minutes and never got the b�$%rd below more than a sliver taken off his life!!!

Here's one of the short vids I did with Moloch at lvl53 and neigh-on invincible (btw, this was after over 30 minutes of pounding on him and you can see he's still at full health)!!

This one's a little better... we sent the lower-level char in first this time and so drew a lvl35 Moloch. It was still a struggle though!! |||BTW, that automatic rifle I'm using is Lee's Lightlance pushing out 512 damage with 600 rounds per minute.

I just noticed too, that the lvl40 Guardian had left by this point and come back in with his lower level engineer in order to try some ranged attacks... which you can see was pretty pointless. lol!|||Were people dying? Moloch gains life whenver someone dies in the Court.|||Yeah, we finally figured that out about 20 minutes in... We all started trying to be a lot more careful in there after one of us made the connection, but still, even after that, he was impossible.

We did get his life down about 1/4 once, then he spawned a shed-load of hight-level priests, who promptly regen'd him back to full health again.|||hes got a max of 12 demon priests, so its a real battle after everyone figures out how to not die and when the demon priests cant be summoned anymore.|||Very very very cool information, thanks!

I was wondering how many priests he could end up summoning. It was just silly after a while with the high-level moloch. lol

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