Applying for CBT is simple and its easy as 123!
Click �Gates of Hell� and a pop-up window should appear (allow pop-up if the browser is blocking it)
Now there are two choices:
1. * * * Apply Now
2. * * * Enter a CBT key obtained from the partner sites listed below:
You can make a gamble and click �apply now�. If the image shows that �Your courage has been Noted�. Then congratulations you are going to be a CBT tester! (It�s a 50-50 chance)
You can wait for the CBT keys that will be distributed by the following partner sites:
� *mmosite
� *mmorpg
� *mpogd
� *gameogre
� *mmohut
� *gameitems
� *gameswelt
� *spieltipps
� *onlinewelten
Thank you and good luck!
GM Verin
Hellgate GM Team
I got in, hope to see some of you there =)|||Ok we are back in action. Sorted a load of site issues out
Wonder if this place will come back to life!?|||Sure hope it will.
I got in as well. Maybe download at work (if you won't get in trouble) and put it on a big flash drive. Otherwise, it will take a while. I hope they make the DL available soon so that everyone isn't trying to DL at the same time. That would slow the DL or even cause servers to crash if there is enough of us.|||Yeah, I hope they let us download a couple of days before, else it will be hell on the 3rd T_T|||Yay finally news of Us getting hellgate back. Its been a long time since I have done updates. I have a more powerful computer today, and for the first time in almost a full year, I can actually see the Rifle catagory page!!! Of course the first thing I did to it, was lessen the databites, make it less characters. I may have to do a big revamp just to make it easier to view. But I cant wait to see Hell gate londond and the new hellgate tokyp in america!!!|||Me too. Let's hope they fixed all those misspellings in the beta.|||I guess it's time to upgrade the old craputer. Either that or install it on the wife's computer
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