Thursday, April 12, 2012

General call out for guides and Wiki updates

[:1]Now that we have all played the game a little, I'd like to make reminder to help out this site. While you play, take notes, screenshots, etc, that could help everyone here. We need guides for each class, we need updates to our Wiki. We need lists of enemies, we need strategy guides, skill calculators, etc.

And don't forget about our Community Blogs.

If you have time and the know-how, help us out in any way you can. If you have any questions about anything to do with this site, let me know.

Thanks|||If someone can format an item list similar to the one on d2 (arreat summit)

Ill help with taking screens of items i find, adding the thumbnail for the item + Ilvl, reqw Clvl, stats etc

Currently I don't like the item list section much, very hard to navigate...

something like this:

*links* Weapons--Armor--Sets--Misc(like potions, quest items etc) (click Weapons)

*links* Melee--Pistols--Rifles--Rocket Launchers (click melee)

*links* Normal--Names Rares--Named legendaries--Uniques (click Normal)

*links* Physical--fire--shock--phase--toxic (click normal)


|-Ilvl-|----Name------|-Damage-min-|-Damage-max-|-Mod Slots-|-Min-Clvl-|-req-Acc-|-req-Str-|-req-Sta-|-req-Will-|

|-5--|Crappy Sword--|-----2-3------|-----5-7-----|------1-----|---1-----|---0-----|-----3---|---0-----|-----1---|

|-15-|Medium Sword |----23-26-----|---45-48-----|-----3-----|---10----|---0-----|----15---|---0-----|-----6---|

etcetc|||Put together what you think you'd like and let me know how I can help.


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Put together what you think you'd like and let me know how I can help.


I know how to edit values in a wiki, add text, and pictures.. As for setting up tables, and tabled links etc, I'm green :p

I might look into it later tho if can find the time hours to get away from HGL ;)|||About old stuff. When adding new stuff, is it acceptable to completely remove old and irrelevant things from the pages without discussing it first?

I mean if it's completely wrong now, but did apply once? Or should we always try to find a way of ordering it so that old information is still available, although clearly marked as "this is the way it used to be, but it isn't now!" sort of thing?|||Ive contributed a few times today. Im still new to the game, so I dont have a whole lot to offer. Ill see about updating weapon and mod info as I progress with my Guardian.|||Quote:

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About old stuff. When adding new stuff, is it acceptable to completely remove old and irrelevant things from the pages without discussing it first?

I mean if it's completely wrong now, but did apply once? Or should we always try to find a way of ordering it so that old information is still available, although clearly marked as "this is the way it used to be, but it isn't now!" sort of thing?

Do not remove any old stuff until the admins tell us it is OK. They may want to archive the beta wiki. I PM'd them and asked them to answer your question.


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I know how to edit values in a wiki, add text, and pictures.. As for setting up tables, and tabled links etc, I'm green :p

I might look into it later tho if can find the time hours to get away from HGL ;)

To set up tables here use a text editor with fixed font widths, like the text editor in Windows (the one with the .txt extension). Make your columns using the space bar (don't use the tab key). Line everything up so it looks nice and save.

Then come here and use the following code:

[code ]

then copy and paste your data here. It may look funny and not lined up at all. But just hit submit and see.

[/code ]

Place the brackets right next to the word "code". I placed a space in there so you could see it. It makes a nice table like this:



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About old stuff. When adding new stuff, is it acceptable to completely remove old and irrelevant things from the pages without discussing it first?

I mean if it's completely wrong now, but did apply once? Or should we always try to find a way of ordering it so that old information is still available, although clearly marked as "this is the way it used to be, but it isn't now!" sort of thing?

Thanks for asking.

Depends on the old stuff. Use your judgment; if it's something you think is interesting and that you, or other players, would want to know about in the future, then try to archive it. Even if you just hit enter a few times and put a header like, "Old info: May 2006." that's fine for now.

Keep in mind that what we all remember about the development process now will be largely forgotten in a year or 2 or 3. Someone who picks up HGL next summer and gets into the game will probably be curious to see how skills evolved, or what the original versions of weapons were like, or how the early characters were designed. etc. I think the info worth archiving is mostly found on the main pages, like items, weapons, characters, etc.

On more specific info though, don't be afraid to delete and overhaul. Wrong names for things, names that changed, stats that were seen in some old gameplay movie, etc. if it's an interesting bit of trivia, like oh... shulgoth's name changing from the pit baron to the current monster, try and leave a mention on the page.

In all cases, please put new, up to date info at the top of the page. If there's older stuff worth a mention, or you're not sure, just move it down and put an appropriate header and we'll deal with it later. People who are curious will scroll down and read it all. People who just want a quick hit of info will click, skim, and move on.|||Okay, I will be careful with my editing so that nothing interesting is lost.

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