[:1]Well my hatred is pending, as is a lot of this, but honestly, if nothing else...
Update: And it's done. We have received inside confirmation that everyone has been laid off and the studio is closing. I hate to resort to an emoticon in a news post, but...
No. No source, no hints, no nothing. How can someone lose there job over revealing a source if the studio is done?
Give us some info, or say "sources say that it's closing".
It's done is wrong.
It's done is stupid.
This is a little unbelievable. I always saw IncGamers as a pretty reliable site, and like the communities surrounding the games, especially D2.
Well I hope you guys are right, and I might be around here for D3. But even if you are that's not the way to present it.|||What I don't understand is, if it's true that Flagship is closing down, why is there nothing here about it?|||There is, check the top page.|||They can't lose their FSS job but they could miss out on a job in the future if it's known they're leak-prone.
Regardless, either it's going to be true or it's not going to be true. Does it really matter who said it either way?
Also "sources say" is the same as "inside confirmation". ;)|||It sucks. That's all.
...and what's with the title of this thread?|||Quote:
Well my hatred is pending, as is a lot of this, but honestly, if nothing else...
No. No source, no hints, no nothing. How can someone lose there job over revealing a source if the studio is done?
Give us some info, or say "sources say that it's closing".
It's done is wrong.
It's done is stupid.
This is a little unbelievable. I always saw IncGamers as a pretty reliable site, and like the communities surrounding the games, especially D2.
Well I hope you guys are right, and I might be around here for D3. But even if you are that's not the way to present it.
We never reveal details of inside sources (unless they want us to). We didn't when we reported D3 was being unveiled at WWI either. When you're asked not to name them you don't, it's as simple as that. The reader either takes our word for it or decides we've taken to talking out our ears all of a sudden.
It's up to you if you think it's stupid and wrong but that's how we do it and we'll not have it any other way.|||Touche. I was more upset and unclear. I was trying to make it clear that I don't think the way it is presented unless you can present at least a little bit of factual evidence that other news sites reporting are not citing.
If it's the same source as Ve3d, then I hope you're kidding. If it's not, clearly state that, and state that you cannot reveal the source at this time. It just seems very strange that you guys have a "special" source no one else has. I don't understand what's going on any better than anyone else, but I'm sick of the way this is being handled.|||I don't understand what you're sick of. They posted that D3 would be unveiled on Saturday. They said that inside sources had told them. What's wrong with that?|||It's in reference to the "inside confirmation" that FSS is closing, Dacar, not the D3 thing.
I already explained why they didn't say "Person X confirmed it" and Elly explained in more detail.
Either you choose to believe that Flux really got confirmation from someone inside, or you do not. Getting your panties in a bunch over it seems a waste of energy to me. But then, I believe Flux. Maybe I would feel different if I didn't.
Tiggs has posted that there'll be official word on Monday. Pretty weak that they're going to wait the whole weekend to address a major issue affecting the game, but... what can you do.
By the time the official announcement comes out I'll be engrossed in the Too Human demo (hopefully) and won't care anyway. |||Quote:
We didn't when we reported D3 was being unveiled at WWI either.
how long before the announcement at WW1 did you guys know that D3 was blizzard's next game? i had suspicions that you might have been given a heads up when rush and flux started to hang out more often at dii.net.
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